I’m a recovering legalist, an artist, a poet, and on occasion, an oyster gardener.
I am also mother to three, a full-time employee for a local bank , and a writer of blogs about business and community.
Most of my friends know me as "Reggie," short for "Regina" (my first name) but I write and paint under my middle name, "Lucienne." It's what my family calls me and, well, as a woman, that always felt like I needed to be someone other than who I was. I feel like using Lucienne reminds me who I am, even if it's not what I am most commonly called.
In 2017, I experienced a spiritual awakening. It happened at a rock bottom moment for me, a point mired in loss, depression, and the ugly realization that changes were needed in my life and my personal habits. This was also a “coming to life” event accompanied by experiences I couldn’t explain. I legitimately thought I was going crazy.
As I found answers, those answers rocked my concepts of faith. The only explanations I could find involved chakras, energy, and synchronicities. Those were all things I’d either never heard of, or tried to avoid with the belief that we are to put our eyes on Jesus and separate from everything else. (That’s not to sound hoity-toity. It’s followed out of a sincere devotion to my faith and how we are taught.)
I am still learning how to put words to those latter experiences, but I am a firm believer in all of them now, too.
I also believe in the mind/body/spirit connection, meaning that everything I just mentioned is relaying information to us, about us. And in many cases, physical conditions are a result of spiritual situations or emotional struggles.
I believe that our beliefs, not just our religious beliefs, but our beliefs about ourselves and the world around us, dictate more than we realize – often holding us back.
I believe that our emotional depth and vocabulary, in addition to our creative pursuits or hobbies, are just as critical to our spiritual health as spiritual practices like mediation, prayer, and reflection.
Through these beliefs, I can tell you that for the first time in my life, I feel whole and healed. Yes, I am still working on things. I am not perfect by any means, but I struggled with deep shame, disassociation, and insecurity for most of my life. I believe that it was God, above all things, who healed me. It was also the integration of these other items that I have mentioned that brought me balance and wholeness.
The following are three biblical principles that I cling to and contribute to my growth and healing.
I want to share my faith and encourage you on your journey. Grab a piece of art or a card. Put them where you can see them, take in their messages, and remain encouraged. Use their inspiration to reach victory – which I know you will – in Christ. And share them with others you know and love, so they can do the same.
I love to share what I learn. So you may find information on the following topics as I work on these areas in my own life: recovery (particularly shame), healthy relationships, growing your faith and spirit life, going green(er), and managing a business.
Reach out. Ask me questions. Share your thoughts. I'd love to connect. Through all of us love and light can shine.
With love,
This is a deeply personal testimony of my brokenness and triumph. It is also where my art began.